
ANNUAL MEMBERSHIPS: Annual membership is open to anyone and costs $125 a year.  Annual Members can participate in any event (big or small) or activity held by the society.  Events may have a small additional cost to cover actual event expenses only (hut fees, food, transportation, etc.)  Annual Membership fees cover all other society expenses (activity research and design, event equipment, administration, etc.) In addition, $20 of the annual membership fee goes into the helicopter rescue fund, and some of your fees go towards an annual contribution to support FMC, which advocates for groups like ours. 

All annual memberships will begin on June 1st and end on May 31st of the following year.  Membership costs are calculated so that participation in any ONE of our big events makes them more than worthwhile. If you do more than one of our events you're really getting some bang for your buck.  

ONE DAY MEMBERSHIPS: One day memberships are available for those seeking to trial fear society activities by participating in one of our smaller events. One day memberships cost only $10. One day members are only able to participate in select (smaller) events. Day members can just sign-up on the day. 

SIGNING UP: If you need to become an annual member, or resubscribe as an annual member for another year, do so HERE.

If you just want to give us money for some reason (because you like us?) you can go HERE.